Youth group
Our weekly drop-in youth group takes place on Thursdays between 4pm and 7pm in central Norwich. It provides a safe place to meet friends, play games, learn new skills, listen to music and share a meal. Our team of staff and volunteers are available to listen and to provide support and guidance. We enjoy sports sessions, arts workshops and life skills sessions. To see what we’ve been up to recently, check out our Instagram or Facebook.

English class
Our informal English language lessons run every Tuesday during term time, from 5.00pm to 6.30pm. The lessons are structured to accommodate a wide range of abilities.

Individual support
We provide support, guidance and signposting to young people who are asylum seekers or refugees.

We often organise trips within Norwich and sometimes travel further afield for day trips and residential visits.

Longer-term activities and projects are born out of collaborations between NIYP and other local organisations and networks. Examples include:
- Welcome Wheels – a project to provide bikes, safety equipment and cycle training to refugees and asylum seekers in Norwich. This is a collaboration between NIYP, the County Council People from Abroad Team, New Routes, English+ and Bicycle Links.
- Creative writing courses, in partnership with Creative Futures and the National Writers Centre.
- A series of museum tours and creative workshops with the Norfolk Museums Service.
- We are part of Norwich City of Sanctuary, a movement which aims to create a culture of welcome in communities across the UK.